Photoelectric Sensors
Detecting containers for powdered glass
The fiber amplifier D4RF-TD can be used to detect the presence of containers filled with powdered glass.
When powders are being mixed in next processes, airborne powder can adhere to the optical surface of the sensor, decreasing the received light amount and resulting in malfunctions.
Ultra-high-speed digital fiber amplifiers D4RF-TD, however, equipped with two outputs, meaning output 2 can be used to detect decreases in the received light amount. This also allows for advance determination of when maintenance will be required, helping to reduce downtime.
odel: Ultra-High-Speed Digital Fiber Amplifiers D4RF-TD
Detecting existence of glass plates in the rack
Limited reflective type fiber cable NF-DC06 can detect each glass plate in the rack.
It detects stably even if the glass plate warps because of its special structure.
Controlling each fiber amplifier can be done through CC-Link utilizing communication unit UC1-CL1 connected to Mitsubishi MELSEC-Q/L series efficiently as well.
Model: UC1-CL1 + D3RF + NF-DC06
Application examples
by industry
- Foods
- Beverage
- Chemical/Cosmetics
- Packaging
- Semicon
- Electric
- Electronics Components
- Automotive
- Machinery
- Rubber/Plastic
- Glass
- Printing
- Logistics
Application examples
by purpose
- Detecting existence
- Counting/Detecting passing
- Alignment/Mapping/Positioning
- Detecting direction/sides
- Detecting height/level difference
- Detecting overlapping
- Detecting protruding
- Detecting meandering
- Detecting wrong objects
- Detecting black/glossy objects
- Detecting liquid
- Long range detection
- Pin-point detection
- Detecting transparent objects
- Environmental resistant
- Detecting color and mark
- Others